Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's been quite the week!

So it's been quite a while since I've updated (or had that good of an update either), next week is the last 'toughie' week I'll be enduring for a while as I’ll have a 2 week project due and a midterm. I’m blogging to say that I’ll hope you’ll stick around for new posts starting next Thursday. **Sneak peek: a fantastic young artist from Florida, my first ‘green living’ post on a cool find in Dubai, and a first post on some wacky industrial design that you can actually buy.

Stay tuned, and here’s a jump for some Cool Hunting.

P.S: Anything special you'd like me to blog about? That can even be your own blog (related content obviously.. and pretty darn cool), or personal work (impressive still necessary).

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